Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Fence

Rustic Rail Fence
We built this fence last night.  It is on a ridge that is on the south side of the house and I can see it from my quilt room.  I plan on using it for photographing my quilts.
I am going to plant some flowers in front of it (between fence and rocks) and a lot of spring bulbs.  I think a blanket of daffodils would really look nice.
Speaking of daffodils;  this is our first one to come into full bloom.  The others won't be far behind. The trees in the bush are in bud and the little spring peepers (frogs) are in full song in the evening.  Our Heidi seems to be nervous of them and I have to go our with her in the evening for her last outing of the day.
 My husband has gone for a motorcycle ride and I have to take the car in for servicing later in the day but, until then, I am going to do some work in the quilt studio.  It has become a place to drop stuff and I have to get every thing that isn't supposed to be here, out.  The room really needs to have a wall to separate it from the other parts of the house but then I would be sacrificing light so I will just have to make a rule:  if it isn't quilt or sewing related, put it somewhere else.

First Daffodil



1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you're so far ahead of us here to South of you so many miles! (At least I think you are far North from the middle of Minnesota!) Most of our snow is gone, except the piles which will be here for awhile yet. all I have blooming is scillas. Not sure what they really are, that's what my mom called them. They're right by the house and are always up early.
    I really like your fence. Hmm, wonder if I could do something like that??
