Thursday, January 24, 2019

Readers Tips

My readers always have great ideas.  Here are a couple more organizing suggestions.  Thank you Denise and QuiltE

I have thought about purchasing a horizontal file cabinet, the one's with 2 long drawers. Then folding and hanging my fabric from the hanging files. 

Green painter's tape works great to hold the fabric in place when folding onto boards. I mostly shop from my stash, so the tape also is used to note the yardage for all pieces over one metre. I know straight away whether it is a realistic option ... or not! :)

Do you have a storage tip or idea that you use?  Let me know so I can share with others.

I think you will all agree with me that technology is wonderful except when it doesn't work.  It is especially irritating when there isn't a logic reason-virus-for the failure.  I recently noticed that I wasn't getting any email on one of my accounts.  As this is the one used for submissions for the local events column I write, I thought that perhaps things were still slow after Christmas.  Then I got a phone call from a regular contributor wondering why her item wasn't in the paper.
I spent some time trying to solve the problem but now am waiting to be contacted by Google.  I hope they get to me quickly as this is a frustration for others-as well as me.


1 comment:

  1. Gotta love our computers ..... til they let us down! :)

    To add to Denise's filing cabinet idea ... put a top on it as your cutting table. A pair or four would make for even more space! The height won't be right, so you'll have some extra slide-in storage space between the filing cabinet(s) top and the table top. Great place to slide in our big quilting rulers. Or batting. Or plastic storage boxes for WIP projects!

    If you have a Habitat for Humanity ReUse store nearby, check it for your filing cabinets or other storage possibilities. Years ago, I was in one that had dressers with good slides from a high-end hotel that was doing a total re-do. They would have been perfect for fabric storage. Thought of it at the time, but convinced myself against it. Yes ... I have often wished I had snagged a whole bunch of them and got rid of my eclectic storage mix.

    Green Tape ... I use scads of it in the quilting room! Mark the ends of my fabric totes, with the colour to be found inside. Non-storage but quilting uses ... tape the edge of backings to table as I make sandwiches, wrap around leftover binding with the measurement noted, any extra notes I want on my machine about settings or WHY, and more!
