Friday, June 28, 2019


I finished the black and white top today.  I am just trying to decide whether to add a 2 inch black border or just leave it.  The binding will be red.  I did this pattern a while ago in brighter colours and it is amazing how different it looks.  I can't find the photo at the moment but, when I do, I will post it.

My sister recently took up painting with water colours.  When she showed me the photos on line, I asked if I could have one as I think she has a great talent. This is the one she brought for me.  I think she has a real talent.  My family has the ability to do just about anything they put their mind to.  The youngest sister has done bricklaying, one of my brothers is a marathon runner and the other is good at building.  Each does many other things as well.  In fact, we are more likely to learn how to do something than hire someone else to do it.  We take after our Dad for that but Mom has passed on her stubborn refusal to give up.   "I am not going to let (whatever) beat me" was one of her favourite sayings.  The other was "if I gave you a million dollars to do so and so, would you be able to do it"  Of course, we would answer in the affirmative and then she would add that we could also get it done without the money.  And she was right, of course.
Blessings and Happy Canada Day.

1 comment:

  1. You made a beautiful quilt and your sister painted a beautiful water color picture! I like that determination that your parents have instilled in you and your siblings!
