Thursday, June 13, 2019

Are We Getting Old?

At supper this evening, hubby and I were wondering what happened to all our energy.  It seems mere months ago that we were going on a two hour ride on our motorcycles just to get ice cream.  The trip back might have included exploring some new roads before getting home and taking care of chores.
Now, a four hour round trip in the car exhausts us.  And to think, when I was working, I drove 8 or more hours a day.
We went to a family funeral to
day and we were so tired that I picked up a couple of TV dinners on the way home to have for supper.  The packaging on them has changed a bit over the years but the taste is still the same.  Not something I would normally consider to be food.  However, tonight I was glad of the convenience.
Some of the tiredness came from driving in less than ideal conditions.  It was raining and misty so extra care had to be taken.  But, we have ridden in worse.  One trip involved so much heat we had to take refuge in a service station and then, a few hours later a thunderstorm had us holed up at a restaurant with a room full of other drivers-we were the only motorcyclists. Once that cleared up we continued on for another few hours before stopping.  We were tired, yes, but not the exhaustion we are both feeling right now.
I think part of the reason is (no, not our age)  that we don't go on many trips anymore.  Our shopping is either done in the village or the nearest town which a half hour away. Even then, we only go to the town perhaps twice a month unless we have a medical appointment.  I like being at home, though, so I am not going to start going away just to build up my travelling strength.


  1. I know exactly what you mean Anna. We power washed our deck, then sealed it and oh the aches and pains! Our minds just can't seem to comprehend out "old and tired" our bodies are, LOL. It really gets frustrating.

    1. So true, Connie, but it could always be worse, can't it?
