Tuesday, June 11, 2019

A Nothing Day

This has been one of those busy days when you get a lot done but none of it was noteworthy.  Did the usual housework and gardens stuff but nothing exciting.  I finished the blocks and rows for the black and white quilt and put it aside to finish at quilt group.  After I tidied up from that, I discovered a block that was behind something else.  I may make a cushion cover with that or, as I still have a bit of fabric left, a small lap quilt.  Usually I am squeeking by with hardly enough fabric left to finish the top so this is a bit of a change.
I started working on the next customer quilt and it will be slow going for a while as the centre is fiddly.
I also did some work on a client's web site.  I need to get at my own but that doesn't seem to be happening for a while.
And that was my day.  Tomorrow, I have a meeting and Thursday is the funeral for a family member.

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