Tuesday, June 25, 2019

New Quilting Site

I have decided to add a piano key border to my black and white quilt and it looks good.  I thought, at first, that it detracted from the top but now I have got used to it, I like it.  A couple more sides to go.
I had an appointment to get my eyes tested today.  I thought it had been a year since my last test but apparently, it was two.  I guess one was due when hubby was hit by a tree and then I started having breathing problems so time just got away from me.
I have sent out the free dinosaur applique pattern to those that want it.  Hope it arrived alright. Tomorrow, I am going to meet up with my sister who is here from England.  We will have lunch together and catch up on our news.  Her granddaughter is graduating from public school so she will be able to go to the ceremony.  It will be a few years before our grands reach that milestone but I am sure the time will pass quickly.
Hubby and I are also going to a friends in the evening to help celebrate a 96th birthday.  The gentleman is in remarkable health and only just recently gave up his driver's licence.

Here is a link to a site that may be new to you.  Lots of information, patterns etc. Enjoy

Quilting Site

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have an enjoyable catch up with your sister today. Too, I hope you have as lovely weather in your area as we are here today. A perfect day to be out and about!!

    Thanks too for the link. For me the colouring sheets offered there, are a real score! Can make it so much easier to play with design.
