Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nature's Bounty

Nature's Bounty-Maple Syrup
 This is our first lot of maple syrup for this year.  Doesn't it make a wonderful picture with the different shades of brown and gold in the old mason jars.  Actually the jars are new but the style hasn't changed for as long as I can remember which, I must admit, isn't very long on some days.
We are hoping the weather will cooperate so we can get some more but, with the new set up, we already have more this year than we did the previous.
We have a better method of cooking now so we were able to get this much in one day.  Last year, it took the better part of a week.
If we get a really good run, I am going to look up some recipes.  I would like to be able to substitute the syrup for sugar where I can.  Of course, if we boil it long enough we cuold get sugar but I don't think we are ready to do that yet.
Don't you wish you could have some of this on your morning pancakes?
Blessings ,

1 comment:

  1. Yes I do! How do I get some?

    Rachel Chartrand
