Friday, February 4, 2011

A New, and Better, Day

Today is baking day.  The bread is in the oven, the stew is on the stove and the applie pie is undone.  Ran out of energy by the time I finished the first two and still had the cleaning up to do so, no pie for supper.
I called the dog owner yesterday and left a message on their machine and it seems to have worked.  No dog and no dog souvenier's today.
Last night I finished the quilt top I have had laying around for a while.  This one is, as I think I mentioned, for the master bed so is quite large.  I started it while living in Edmonton and then set it aside while working on other projects.  The pattern is called Patience Corner's, if I remember correctly and it is one of those optical illusion ones.  I still have to quilt the borders and put on the binding but that shouldn't take long. 
I spread the quilt out on the bed last night and it does look really nice against the headboard my husband made.  I will take a photo and show you next week.
With this project almost completed, I have just about caught up with all my unfinished project.  Just re read that sentence and I sound completely wishy washy-almost completed, just about caught up.  Let me off set all that with a definate statement.  Have a great weekend and if your weather is stormy, stay inside.  Quilt, read a book, snuggle or watch a movie but stay safe.

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