Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sticking to the List

I am not going to complain about our changeable weather after looking at the 4 feet of snow in Newfoundland and the minus forty temperatures in Alberta.  Ours has been far more average-changeable, but average.  I have been out walking most days.  I really enjoy the sunny, crisp days and little Heidi just trots along delighting in each steps.  I get so much fun watching her sturdy little boding bouncing along at the end of the lead.  It is then that I have a hard time believing she is a aging dog as she looks just like a puppy.  She does sleep more throughout the day and gets a bit grumpy when it is time for a bath or nail trimming but is in good health and that is the main thing.
I only have a few more blocks to finish my scrappy batik top.  I have put a lot more time into this one planning colour combination.  I don't think that you will be able to see that when you look at the quilt but there was quite a bit of thinking about what would be best where.
How is everyone doing at keeping on with the things on their bucket list?  I really want to push my project to one side and make a little table cover but am making myself stay focuses.  I will add the cover to my list of projects but it will be near the end.


  1. The curse of the squirrels that pull at us to go different directions from the plan!! Good for you for resisting!! Really mild winter here and we need the snow for our water. Hoping February and March bring us more snow, at least in the mountains!

  2. I agree with your comments about the snow. It is good for our maple bush. Probably Newfoundland got a bit more than they could use though.
