Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Read the Instructions

"Please read all pattern instructions carefully before starting."  All designers give that advice and I include it on my own but, do you do what it suggests?  I don't.  And, because I don't, I struggle, make mistakes and waste a lot of time trying to figure out what I am supposed to do by looking at the diagrams.
I have just done it again.  I started what looked like a simple pattern, no need to read through all those cutting and sewing bits.  As soon as I started sewing, I ran into problems.  I did discover a diagram on the back page that helped but I have promised myself I am going to sit down and read those instructions.  Right through from the cutting instructions, which I have done , to the bit that says, "quilt as desired". While I am reading, I will make notes.  Use blue for this section, navy in this area etc. Perhaps, I will even start a personal trend.
It is odd that I don't read instructions when I generally read every other bit of print I see: cereal boxes, bumper stickers, highway advertisements and so on.  I know the value of the written word.  I am aware of  how important it is to use the correct one  to convey meanings and feelings.
I got another example of how not reading instructions can lead to difficulties.  I was trying to do something on the computer and couldn't figure it out.  I finally called the service chat person and he reminded me, nicely, that the information I was looking for was included in the email that had been sent with the program.  Ouch.
Perhaps I should print this blog and place it in a prominent place near my sewing machine.  I will be sure to read that.  Won't I?


  1. I just did it with my own pattern! How ridiculous - the strip should hae been 3 1/2 not 2 1/2 but I didn’t need to look.... Oh, and then I cut my finger with the rotary cutter - not severe - but well deserved as it was open!

  2. Directions??? Patterns come with directions??? Perhaps that's why I do better when I make my own up from my head and fly by the seat of my pants!! No directions to read then!! Yeah, I don't usually read them all the way through either!
