My husband is chopping wood this morning and has also put the heater on in the hen house. The temperature has dropped below freezing so I am happy to be comfortably coccooned in my studio. I have a number of projects listed to get done on this 'work' day but I will go for a walk later. It looks as though the sun may break through the grayness. Yesterday, husband, Heidi and I tromped through the bush and noted which trees were in danger of falling. Heidi took the opportunity to fly around the trees scattering leaves in all directions. Somewhere along the way, she rubbed her head in something offensive and had to have a bath before bed time. Why do dogs do that?
Speaking of the hens; I've mentioned in previous postings that one of the chickens is a real good layer. Her eggs are huge. We had eggs for breakfast and those large ones are double yolkers.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
I love this Feathers and Hens patterns and colors......where can I find one?