Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Little of This, A Dash of That

I have almost finished the quilt that is on the frame.  I mentioned that I was having trouble with skipping stitches and thought it might have been the timing.  With hubby's help, I checked that and, if it was out, it was only the tiniest bit.  The adjustment didn't make any difference so I went back to looking at the tensions discs and thread guide.  I tested and cleaned everything but, again, it didn't help.  The thread was catching on something and the only place not checked was the first thread guide(the one that is right above the thread spool) and, wouldn't you know, it was gunky.  No idea how that happened but I removed it from the machine, gave it a scrubbing with an old toothbrush and some  soap and water. Had to redo the tension but everything is working properly.  You may want to file that bit of information away if you have thread problems.  No idea how the crud got in there but it had.

I love words and word quizzes.  I get a daily post about grammar and sometimes they have a little quiz.  I thought you might like to try today's.  Here is the link: .  Let me know how you do.  I got one wrong.
We are supposed to get a good bit of snow by tomorrow evening so will have to wait and see if it arrives.  We have the 4 snows on hubby's van so we should be okay.  I am waiting for a fuel leak to be fixed on mine and then I will get the tires done on it.

1 comment:

  1. Your link is broken on the Word Quiz...drat! I'm so glad you figured out where the problem was, but that certainly is a puzzler!!
