Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Timing's Off

Something more accomplished.  Both my tablet and phone are now connected to the internet.  The new router solved the problem.  Now, I have to retime my sewing machine.  I didn't have the bobbin set in properly and the needle hit it.  I hate having to do that adjustment but, if I don't, I won't be able to use the machine and I have to get those 2 quilts done by Friday's end.
It was a lovely day today.  The sunrise lit the sky a bright red and, while the sun didn't shine very brightly, it didn't rain.  Heidi and I went for a nice long walk and enjoyed the fresh air.
I have finished the updating of my customer's web site but need to alter the photo page.  Unfortunately, there must be some atmospheric interruption because my internet has slowed down and I can't upload the photo program.  I hope it will soon clear up.  I wonder if the smoke from the California fires might be cause the problem.

I got the last of my Christmas gifts sent off today and feel really good about getting that done.  I will probably still be doing things at the last moment despite my best intentions.

The photo is of the village of Burk's Falls taken from the boat dock. I like the reflection.


1 comment:

  1. I've timed my longarm but never my sewing machine...not a job I love doing but on my longarm it isn't difficult. I hope you get your sewing machine up and running quickly. Love your picture...the reflection is amazing!
