Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Flashing Construction Lights-Yuk

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.  We went to my in-laws and had a great meal, a good visit with everyone and lots of laughter.  One of the nieces was there with her family.  We have a close ties with her two young children and I spent the majority of the visit with them.  I was given a number of medical examinations, listened to stories I couldn't quite understand and played an exhausting game of 'kick the soccer ball'.  We weren't Skyping with the grandchildren until the next day so we stayed a little longer than usual.
It was dark when we started for home with hubby driving.  We switched seats about 2/3 of the way and I took over.  By then it was raining.  I have a hard time driving at night on a highway because the oncoming traffic makes it hard to see-especially when they have halogen headlights.  I was doing alright until we come to a road construction site that was marked with those orange signs with flashing orange lights.  They are so distracting that is near impossible to see where you are supposed to go.  Got through that and dear hubby had me pull over and he drove the rest of the way.  I can drive in nearly every condition-snow, traffic jams, busy roads whatever but I hate those orange lights.
Today, I got my customer's quilt sent off to its recipient.  It is a Christmas gift so it will arrive in plenty of time.  I am working on a couple of quilts for the grands which will also be sent off this month along with their other gifts so I will be ahead of the game this year-so far.
Tomorrow, off to town to replenish the food cupboard.  No matter how much you buy, you always run out of something before the month is over.

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