Wednesday, October 9, 2019

If a Tree Falls in the Forest....

It was another lovely autumn day today.  I had a meeting in the morning  but got home in plenty of time to go for a nice long walk on the road.  I have travelled along this road either by foot or car many times since we moved here eleven years ago and I still see new things.  Today, it was two trees with twisted trunks.  All the ones around them were straight but these two looked like corkscrews.  They were on the side of a hill which meant they might have been affected by the wind when they were saplings but the trees close to them should have been as well.  Whatever the reason for them being different, they did add a bit extra to the walk.
And, speaking of trees; while hubby and I were sitting on the deck enjoying a cup of tea, we heard a tree fall.  We looked at each other and at the same time said "well, that answers that question".  The windstorm we had a couple of days ago must have blown it askew and today it just gave up the fight to stay vertical.
I finished the Scout neck scarves today and got started on finishing the binding on the dinosaur quilt.  I am substituting hand stitching for a machine sewn herringbone stitch.  It should make it nice and secure.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see a picture of the twisted trees and the beautiful road you walk on! I miss getting out into nature.
