Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday Excitement

I don't usually write on a Monday but, I have something I want to share.
I was sitting outside with my husband and wee dog this morning, when we saw a couple of birds land in a shrub nearby.  As they hopped a bit closer, I could see they were a pair of cedar waxwings.  They are my favourite bird and I rarely see them. 
I whispered an excited welcome and told them they would be safe on our property.  I do hope that they are the forerunners of many more.  They seemed to like our pit cherry (I think that is what it is called) and, if not and they let me know what they prefer, I would be glad to plant it.
Our hummingbird feeders are getting a lot of activity, American goldfinch are make regular use of the niger feeder, the blue heron is back on the pond and we have a number of varieties of butterflies, including monarch, as well as bees taking advantage of the clover
The other morning, we saw a rabbit.  That was a first for them as well.
We are really pleased our little habitat is home to so many creatures. We try to be as non intrusive as possible even if that means letting the wildflowers grow and leaving brush piles.

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