Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Heat Wave

We are experiencing some very warm weather.  It is just too hot to do much more than just sit and stare at the television or into space.  Too hot to even read or quilt.  Unfortunately, life continues and things have to get done.  I have completed the tops of both wedding quilts and, heat or not, I've got to get them quilted.  Before I can do that, I have to get the quilt room reorganized and set up the frame.  I am trying to work up some enthusiasim but the most I can manage is a sense of responsibility.
Our village farmer's market started last Tuesday so we went this morning and bought a fridge full of organic meat and veggies.  Some preserves and baked goodies somehow found their way into our bag and, when we got home, our tummies.
In addition to the soccer games, we have been watching the royal tour.  I admire the Queen so much.  Eighty four years old and zipping up and down steps without assistance, walking around in the heat , smiling, making speeches and not noticing if someone does the wrong thing.  I think she is marvellous. 

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