Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Timely Gift.

Isn't this the cutest basket of chicks?  I was feeling tired from lack of sleep and a bit down because of some bad news when my hubby came home from the post office with a large package.  When I opened it, there was a parcel each for hubby and I that contained crocheted hats and another one with this quartet in their nest.  I  love them right from their baby head feathers to their little feet.
My sister, as I think I have mentioned before, just learnt to crochet last summer and has been supplying appreciative family members with her products ever since.
I am not sure just where this little family will stay but, right now, I am moving them around so I can see them from wherever I am working (or sitting).
We didn't go to North Bay today because of the weather prediction of heavy snow fall and freezing rain.  I called the hospital yesterday and was told that the information that hubby would be given would be repeated after his operation.  Didn't seem worth risking our safety. We are getting the freezing rain right now and it was snowing quite heavily earlier so I believe we made the right decision.
His op has been rescheduled for 2 hours earlier so we will have to be on the road by 7 a.m. on Tues.  We have a dear friend coming with us to be with me and drive me back as I will, no doubt, be better off not driving.  Another friend will check on Heidi for us so all is ready.  Just a few more days and it will be over.  We are so thankful for the support of family and friends.
Happy Easter.  He is risen.

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