Monday, May 11, 2015

A Monday Post

Well, here it is a Monday and I am writing a post.  I only went to quilt group for a couple of hours this morning as I haven't been feeling well.  I am not sure if I have a cold or allergies or both.  I suspect the latter.  In any case, I didn't want to spread anything around and I don't have a great deal of energy.  So, here I am at home doing a little of this and that. 
I finished my bear top and will get that quilted and bound as soon as I decide what pattern I want to use for the top stitching.  I have also just finished machine sewing the binding on a wall hanging and will do the hand sewing while watching television.
We had to start the wood fire today as the temperature dropped down a bit.  It isn't really cold but as it is raining, it feels damp.  We need the rain so glad we are getting the nice steady, light one. 
We planted some high bush cranberry plants  on the weekend so are looking forward to seeing if they take and produce.
Hope everyone had a nice mother's day.  I got a phone call from number 2 son who lives in Alberta.  He is my oldest stepson so I am always pleased that he takes the time to think of me. We have been blessed by not having any problems from our blended families.

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