Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Groundhog Day


Sometimes I feel that all I do is repeat what I have already done numerous times. I am not talking about dishes, laundry etc. but those self imposed jobs that life would trundle along just as well if we hadn't done them.  I don't know how many times I have reorganized my quilt room but I am at it once again.  Everything has been piled onto the floor as well as any empty surface.  The beginning of all this was getting another shelving until.  It isn't very big but will hold my fabric overflow, batting pieces and has a drawer for thread.  I always seem to have items that don't go anywhere.  What do with an ancestors unfinished quilt.  I want to finish it and give to my granddaughter but where does it go in the meantime?

This redo is going much fast that other ones so either I am getting better at this or I am more organized.  I hope the latter although I doubt that is the case.  While adding some more finished quilts to the cupboard where I keep them, I notice that I have very little room left.  What do you do with all your quilts?  I do give away some but I have too much money in the bigger ones to do that with all.  I am thinking of making more quilts that take longer to complete.; more complicated patterns, more intricate top stitching.  What is your solution?

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