Monday, October 5, 2020

Another Reorganization of the Studio

 My quilt studio seems to be in a constant state of reorganization.  I think I mentioned that hubby made me a nice pine stand for my Tupperware and other infrequently used bowls and appliances.  I moved the shelving unit that I had been using into the studio and now am emptying bins and putting fabric on the shelves and thread in the drawer.  The plastic until that was where the shelves now are will be moved to another location where it will continue to hold scraps.  All this will be done tomorrow.

I had planned on doing the garden tomorrow but as it is supposed to rain, I will do indoor work instead.  We are supposed to get another week of really nice weather but I think it is time to get tools, chairs and so on into storage.  I will leave some of the chairs on the deck but the rest need to be put away.

Hubby has been really busy getting the storage shed organized so he has an area to do woodworking.  I am hoping for a birdhouse for Christmas or another feeder.  I know it is early to be thinking about Christmas but it does sneak up on one and I certainly wouldn't want hubby to feel bad about not starting in time.

Speaking of not starting in time: one of the side effects of the covid virus was our local agricultural fair being cancelled.  Every year I am hustling to get my entries submitted before the deadline so last year I set up a schedule so everything would be finished well in advance.  At least the fair was cancelled before I started making everything.  I wonder what next year will bring,



  1. Our annual fair was canceled too. It is always Labor Day weekend. This year we shared pictures from previous fairs on Facebook.

  2. Ours is always on the Labour day weekend as well.
