Thursday, March 12, 2020

Ready to Self Isolate

Are you sick of hearing about the pandemic yet?  I am.  I know people are ill.  I know that we have to be diligent but I do think there may be a tiny bit of over reaction.  Stores shelves that are out of toilet paper (still can't figure out that one)  and hand sanitizers becoming as expensive and rare as diamonds.  All this and I don't think we have reached the peak.
On the positive side, if you are brave enough, it is a good time to travel.  All the usually packed tourists sites are empty as are most of the airplanes.  A friend was on one and there were only 15 other passenger.  Imagine having all that room to stretch your legs.  There is definitely going to be a financial impact which will affect the poorest people the most-as usual.
In the meantime, I have just finished quilting my second project and have the third ready to load.  I am ready to self isolate at a moments notice.
It is a gorgeous day here and I am looking forward to a nice long walk with the dog.  I may see if the snow has melted in the bush enough to stroll through it.


  1. My understanding is that the panic buying gives people a sense of control...and in this day and age, we like all the control we can get. I agree with you though, I understand the hand sanitizer, but toilet paper? Ah well, hopefully this too will pass.

  2. I have 2 friends that have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and they live in a small community of 900. People are buying things they think they will need just in case everything gets shut down like it is in Italy. No one will be making anything and nothing will get shipped. How long will it take for your grocery store to get its shelves stocked if the factories, shut down for 2 months, begin production and shipping? That's why people are kinda going nuts. This isn't something most of us have ever had to deal with. I think we would have to go back to the Great Depression or WWII, where empty shelves were the norm. Most people are terrified and feel unprepared. Sewgirl is right, it does give them a sense of control.
