Saturday, March 7, 2020

Gracie is Working Despite My Brain Burp.

My Gracie is working.  I had her in for a tune up yesterday as I had mucked up the timing and wasn't able to get it set right.  She also was in need of a good cleaning.  Thanks to the patience and skill of mechanic,  Lloyd, from All About Sewing in Barrie, Ont, she is now humming along as well as she did when a child. I can highly recommend this company if your baby needs some attention.  He also sells Grace machines as well as others plus fabric and notions.
It was a exhausting day as it included a 5 hour round trip plus some shopping.  We got home in time to have supper and then just lay around until it was time for bed.  Heidi was glad to see us although she had been spoiled by her sitter, Diana.
The temperature has reached 5 o C with bright sunshine today.  Heidi and I went for a nice long, and muddy, walk and,  when we got back, I started putting Gracie back on her tracks.  I had had a bit of a problem earlier on when I couldn't find one of the encoder wheels.  I had left  one on but removed the other and put it in a safe place.  Of course, you know what happens when you do that, don't you?  The safe place becomes the invisible place and you have to search through totally illogical areas to try and find the item.  I asked hubby to help in the search because a fresh pair of eyes often spots the unseen.  We looked through everything again and then again.  Just as I was thinking I might have to do a thorough cleaning (horrors!)  hubby said "is this it"?  and pointed to the encoder still securely attached to the base.  I was trying to come up with an excuse but decided to just own up to having a brain burp.
The rest of the set up went well and now I am ready to start quilting all the tops I have accumulated over the past weeks.


  1. Glad Gracie is back and doing well! Yeah, everyone keeps telling me not to put anything "in a safe place" because it gets lost...sometimes for YEARS!!! I think I need to just have a safe that is large enough to put everything I need to put in a "safe place", so there will be only once place to look!!
