Friday, March 20, 2020

Gathering Sap

We are back to winter today at the Backwoods Quilter homestead.  It rained this morning and then turned into a fairly steady snowfall.  Hubby and I wanted to gather the sap from the trees we tapped so we went out when there was a small break in the weather and got everything into a 45 gallon drum.  When that is full, the boiling starts.  I didn't think we would have much yet but most of the pails were 3/4 to 90% full.  A good start.  We didn't tap as many trees this year as it is getting harder to drag ourselves and equipment through the snow.
After a mug of hot chocolate, it was back to the quilt room.  I have one more row to finish and then I can sew those together for the top.  I am not sure how I want to quilt this yet but I am also stuck on whether to add a final border.  I can't come up with a colour/fabric that will look right.  This is one of those cases where it is best to let it all sit for a bit.  Of course this is where I would  seek the advice of the quilt group but as that isn't possible, I will just do my best.
I finished knitting my first pair of Christmas socks so I can add them to the gift container.

Heidi is looking for Spring.


  1. Hey, you have a virtual quilting group right here!! Why not show the quilt and the border options you never know who will have the perfect idea!!

  2. Good idea. When I get that top done, I will do that. Of course, that means I really need to sew more and play pc games less. How are you doing?
