Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Rant.

A bit of a rant today.  I decided after 3 weeks isolation, I was safe to do a quick grocery run.  I wore a neck scarf that I could pull over my face if necessary.  Before the store, I stopped at the post office and everything went well there until I left.  As I came out the door, someone was coming up the steps, so I stepped back.  A second man followed him fairly close behand and then a woman who waited on the sidewalk.  The second man went through the door and then stopped to hold it for the woman.  The polite thing to do, of course, and it is something take for granted here.  The woman took the courteous route and trotted up the steps to get the door.  She glanced a me, shrugged and smiled.  What do you do?
Grocery store wasn't bad but there were to many people for my comfort.  I grabbed just a couple of things and went to check out.  There was a line on the floor for customers to maintain a safe distance.  The person ahead of me stopped there and I stayed well behind him.  He moved up when it was his turn and I went to the line.  Customer behind me stayed back.  So far so good.  As I was checking out my groceries a group of men stopped near the counter to chat and stayed there.  They were too close to both the cashier and I.
It may seem like a small thing but these little things multiply.  A friend who works at the store told me that last week a customer mentioned he had just got back from Arizona and was getting a few things before he went home.  When questioned as to why he wasn't self quarantining, he said that he was alright.
Too many people are treating this pandemic as if it were happening on another world.  They are lengthening the time it will take  for it to clear up and putting others at risk.  Panic buying and stocking piling for resale are bad enough.  Failure to just do a few basic things to help yourself and others is beyond selfish.
Enough of that.  If you have small children at home, I am posting videos of me reading or telling a story.  They are short but I hope your little ones will enjoy them.  Just click on the Auntie A's Story Time link on the right hand side.


  1. People can be so selfish! It is frustrating for those of us trying to do the right thing. I commented on FB that I had gone to two places yesterday. I was scolded and told that I was part of the problem. I went to the doctor for a referral to a cardiologist and the pharmacy. Frustrating when I had a legit reason to leave my house and get that reaction. I'll be going out tomorrow to pick up my dad's ashes and death certificate...then I'll go back to his home to try to figure out his estate, alone, because I won't let my daughters or husband, they live out of state, come and help me.

  2. People can certainly add to an already difficult situation. A friend of mine went to the hospital on her doctor's orders and he phoned to say she was coming. She said she was treated like she had come in with a cut finger at the reception desk. Everyone else, however was wonderful. I am sorry you have to go through this on your own. My thoughts are with you.
