Friday, March 4, 2022

Successful Trip

We had a tiring but successful trip yesterday to my husband home town and the community where his family still lives.  His mother is in a senior facility there and, now that most of the restrictions are off, we want to see her.  She is suffering from Alzheimer's but yesterday was a good one.  She knew both hubby and I and even recognized a photo of our little dog.  Heidi loves Mom and it seems to be mutual.  She laughed when she saw the photo.

I took advantage of the trip and dropped my handcrank sewing machine in to be repaired.  It just needs the bobbin adjusted and I could probably do it myself but I am at the point that I would rather pay someone.  We got home just before supper, put the groceries away that we bought and collapsed.  I hadn't had a cup of tea all day and I needed that far more than food.  I am at the stage of life were I don't dare drink a lot of liquids-especially tea which is a diaretic (sp), before going anywhere.

Today, the sun is shining and the temperature is all the way up to minus 2C.  I have done a bit of puttering in the studio and taken Heidi for a long walk.  I have a cute video of her playing in the snow that her sitter took but I haven't figured out how to load it up so I can share

Hope next week brings some good news about the situation in the Ukraine.


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