Thursday, March 24, 2022

Housework is Not my Thing.

 A friend commented on my last blog saying she was amazed at how much I accomplish.  In the meantime she mentioned the house housecleaning she had just done.  I would have been dead the rest of the day had I finished what she had.

All that led me to think about housework and my attitude toward it.  In all honesty, other than making sure we don't have to wade through dust bunnies or  don't have any clean clothes or dishes,  house cleaning is not very high on my priority list.  I don't understand women (or men) who get excited because they just cleaned their windows or painted the bedrooms.  I do remove Heidi's nose prints from the living room window as needed but the others only get done in the spring.  The floor gets swept every day because, if it didn't, I would be stepping on wood chips all day from hubby bringing in the firewood.  In the spring it is mud from outside that needs to be removed.

We have lived in this house for almost 14 years and I haven't painted anything or even rearranged the furniture.  Same was true of our last place where we lived for another twenty.  We did paint the horrendous baby pink kitchen when we moved in and redid the master bedroom walls after we knocked out a wall between it and another bedroom.

I certainly don't take after my mother.  I can hardly remember a time when she wasn't cleaning.  Sometimes in the evening, she would sit down with a cup of tea but she definitely didn't have any hobbies such as gardening or pottery.  Dad took care of one and there wasn't any time for the other.

I do get my love of sewing from her as well as a passion for filling every bit of cupboard and freezer space with preserves.

We had a real downpour last night which took away  more of the snow.  Still lots left though if anyone wants it.



  1. your little picture is very much what is happening on my road right now. A guy moved up here from the city. He's not cutting every last tree on the property. It was once a farm. The previous two owners planted thousands of red pine trees. Owner number three is cutting them all. When that is all finished, he is going to turn it into a GRAVEL PIT. Every neighbour is absolutely disgusted.

  2. Sorry Ann, that should be He is NOW cutting every last tree.
