Tuesday, March 8, 2022

A Mischievous Sprite?

 Have you ever had your computer do this?  When I am typing a message in Facebook, the page scrolls up when I hit 'enter'.  If I am backspacing, it does it with every key stroke.   It is very annoying.  I had this happen once before but can't remember the cause.  Low battery perhaps?  Invisible gnomes playing with the keyboard??

I do think it is the latter because often when I look back at something I have written in my blog or answering an email, I find mysterious numbers have popped into a word.  It most often is the #9.  Is there any significance to that digit?  Less often but just as annoying is when a letter disappears or they show up in the wrong order.  I am a highly trained professional so I know I don't make mistakes.  It has to be the keyboard or some mischievous sprite.

I am hoping other areas of the house haven't been affected because I have noticed lately that things aren't where I placed them, other times it will disappear completely.  For example, I was cleaning the bathroom on Saturday and saw that I had used up the toilet cleaner.  No problem.  I had bought more when I shopped on Thursday.  However, it wasn't in any of the place I put my supplies, not even where I don't put them.  Hubby says I must have forgotten to buy it but I distinctly remember looking at the various products and putting one in the cart.  Perhaps it fell out. Or the nasty sprite put it back before I got to the check out.  Next time, I won't add it to my list so he/she won't be prepared ahead of time.

If you have been experiencing the same problem with unwanted guests, I hope you will share your solution for controlling or ejecting them.


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