Thursday, September 24, 2020

O yjpihjy O sae fph/

 Judy, hoping to hear your husband's covid test is also negative.  Be sure to let me know.

I am finally starting to feel inspired to quilt.  It just kicked in today after spending all summer making masks.  I have added my personal touch to a friends pattern-this is the one I was testing, as I wanted it to be bigger.  I also have the quilt on my frame about 1/3 done.  I need to get started on my customer quilts as well as I promised them for Christmas.  

It was another lovely day although we did have shower spurts.  Hubby was working on adding an addition to our deck so it will be about 14 by 10.  The extra length will give more room on the door side of where we have the bug tent.

I was just giggling over a article about how our fingers can sometimes come up with the oddest conglomeration of letters when our brains go on the fritz.  What I found the funniest was the comment of people who received these garbled messages.  Some knew exactly what the person was saying and others asked if the sender had just had a stroke.  For some reason, I found that really funny when, of course, if it had happened, it was anything but humorous.

I lately have had a problem with putting my fingers on the wrong place on the keyboard so it looks as though I am writing in code-language not computer.  My biggest problem is pressing the caps lock when I just want the shift.  I never used to have this problems so not sure if it is age, dexterity or carelessness.  I now have to make sure I proof read before I send.


1 comment:

  1. Himself is fine. Thank you for asking. He had his scope done on Thursday and that went well too.
