Monday, September 28, 2020

Fall 2020

 Yay, Judy'[s husband is fine.  I am getting frustrated with the new outbreak of the virus after so many of us have done everything required of us, we are facing record numbers of people being diagnosed.  I am angry because businesses may have to once again close,  those in long term care homes being isolated and the vulnerable dying.  And why, because a group of people think their right to do what they want overrules the safety of everyone else.  It is time the government takes serious steps against those who social gather inside and outside.  Fine all of them not just the organizers.  If you are there and not where a mask, you get fined.

Now that I have that off my chest: we had a lovely weekend.  On Sat. hubby and I went to a friends cottage (members of our bubble) and enjoyed a lovely visit and boat ride on their pontoon boat.  The colours were beautiful as was the weather.  I took a bunch of photos and will add some at the end of this post.  Yesterday, after church, we sat outside on the deck and enjoyed the day.  Today, was a bit more somber and members of the Burk's Falls Village Quilters gathered at our late members home and chose some items from her fabric and notions.  We all felt sad at the reason for our being there but plan to each make a quilted item in her memory.

Tomorrow, hubby gets to visit his mother in hospital.  A special exception is being made for him as he is the only child who doesn't live in the area and wasn't on the list to see her.  The fact that we were just tested for covid was a factor in this happening.

Our leaves are dropping quickly now so I am glad I got photos when I did.  Hope you enjoy them.


1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures. My husband would like to head north to see the colours. I am the one who thinks we should stay safe at home.
