Thursday, September 10, 2020

Another Professional Baker in the Family

 We have got our first frost warning for tonight.  Hubby brought in all our tomatoes.  We could have covered them but there aren't a lot left and most are on the road to being ripe.  We can finish them indoors.  Tomorrow I will be picking up my apples and peaches from a friend who has a friend that brings a load every fall.  Saturday will be peach marmalade making day as well as freezing the apples.

I have half finished the test pattern that I am doing this week.  It is coming together quite well and I like the look.  It has been the perfect project to get me back at quilting.

If you had children going back to school today, I hope all went well for them.  Our grandson started on Wednesday but his sister doesn't go until Friday.  When we Skyped with them yesterday, Hope showed us the bread she had made.  She did it from scratch and I haven't seen a better loaf.  I think we will have another professional baker in the family.  She has 3 adult cousins in that trade.  I should have taken a screen photo to share with you,


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