Friday, August 21, 2020

Horrific Plane Crash Analogy

 I have had a busy and productive day working on reorganizing both the guest bedroom and the master after having changed the flooring in the later.  The guest room has been used as a gathering place for anything that didn't immediately have a proper place to be.  Today, I rectified most of that although there are still some drawers to sort through.  

I am turning the room into a bed/sit so I can go there to read when hubby is watching a movie.  As well as sorting the drawers, there are some additions like a reading lamp, decent radio and a quilt to be added.  The quilt is on the frame at the moment but it is gradually getting done.  I am also going to cover some good sized pillows to use as a backrest.

In the master, the main things left to do is to sort through all the odds and ends like old razers, lipsticks, never worn jewelry and all the little bits of flotsam we have gathering dust.  Tomorrow we are going to Huntsville to pick up Sarah the vintage Singer sewing machine (yes, I name my machines.  Don't you?) and will drop a box of unneeded clothing and other items at the Salvation Army thrift store.

I read this on line today and found it startling.  We often have a problem visualizing large numbers unless they are presented in a way with which we can identify.  This is to do with deaths due to covid. Losing 137,000 people in 4 months would be equivalent to 50 planes a weeks crashing over a period of 4 months killing everyone on board.  171 people per plane 50 times a week crashing.  Can you imagine the outcry if that happened.


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