Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Covid Look

What is your daily covid costume?  Many of my friends are doing the sweat pants and top with hair pulled into a pony tail look. Those who are working from home are doing the nice clothes on top and comfy bottoms.  I am wearing what I usually do at home which is the sweat pants and sweater combo but am also curling my hair and putting on a bit of make up-usually lip blush.  As I tended to be on some form of social media face to face every day, I don't want to shock everyone into thinking I am ill.  I am also taking pity on my poor husband who has to look at me every day.  Out of respect for him, I try to make a bit of effort.
I do think a person feels a  better when they make the effort to look better.  It is not uncommon to see someone in jeans no matter the event.  Would a pair of dress pants be that uncomfortable?
I finished another of my mask orders today.  I have four more to do that are a give away and that is all I have to make for now.  This is a good thing as I am out of elastic.  A friend has some and will get that from her but am really hoping my Amazon order gets here soon as I am sure that there are more people that need masks.
It looks as though our Province of Ontario is starting to make plans to allow some stores to open.  I am glad to hear that hair dressers are on the list.  The Prime Minister with his thick hair looks as though he will soon be ready for a man bun.  I do appreciate that he is not getting a cut and putting up with the tousled look like the rest of us.  It is rather interesting to watch the news personalities revert to their original colour and use enough gel to grease a pig in an attempt to keep their hair off their face. Covid humour.