Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter in August?

I feel as though I am running a factory in my little studio.  I have delivered 5 masks to a store's employees and 4 to a neighbour who requested them.  I have 6 others almost finished and another bunch that are cut out and ready to go to a business that wants to sell them.  If you are making them, you are probably having the same supply problems as I am.  Both elastic and suitable lining are hard to get.  As a quilter, I have tons of fabric and am using up my larger scraps.
I really get worried about the people who are buying some of the masks that are being made from fabrics that are completely useless. I saw one in a magazine that was designed to use socks and another was knitted.  These are basically face warmers.  If the mask doesn't have a moisture resistant component then the virus will get through.
An a more upbeat note, hubby and I were able to video chat with his family, including his mother, on Easter.  As mom is suffering from Alzheimer's it is necessary (and wanted) that we keep in touch as much as possible.  Our grandchildren also videoed with her and that was a real blessing.  Because they live at such a distance (3 province's away and much further north) they have never, physically met there great Gran.  Knowing they had connected will be our greatest 2020 Easter memory.
How are you making out?  Is the isolating getting you down?  Our quilt group is planning a Christmas in July (thinking optimistically) for when we are back together.  It is hard to plan definitely but even having an idea in mind gives everyone  something to look forward to.  Perhaps families could have Easter in August if all this is over by then.

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