Wednesday, January 24, 2018

It Snowed

It snowed, it snowed, it snowed last night
Everything is beautiful.  It snowed last night.
Hawksley Workman

I went for a quick walk in the bush this morning before starting my work day.  A fresh layer of snow covered everything with a soft fleecy blanket.  In most places, my footsteps were the only indication of life but scattered here and there were the deep pockets left by deer and the tiny feather like tracks of a mole.
The sun was brilliant.  The trees and hillocks turned the snow into a wonderful landscape of shadow and light.  I stopped numerous times to marvel at the scene and wished I had brought my camera.  I love these cold, sunny winter days.

I have passed all my course assignments so far.  Tomorrow and Friday we have self guided instruction.  In other words, we learn without benefit of an instructor although one is available if we need help.  These assignments will be my favourite.  I prefer teaching myself, searching for answers on line or other material.  Many of the skills I have whether quilting or changing a carburetor on a vehicle, I have taught myself. There is certainly a benefit in getting expert instruction but I prefer it to be a back up.
I finished the binding on my batik quilt today and have started sewing the strips together to add a few more rows to my bargello.  I was going to have a border but decided against it except for a narrow one to make it easier to bind.

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