Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Extra Prizes?

The comments to my Island Batik blog post have been overwhelming.  It is going to be really hard not giving everyone a prize but I know that won't be possible.  I may, however, be handing out a few extra.  If you would like to see some of the new fabrics that IB has coming up, click the link.
Laying out the blocks
Thank you everyone for your kind remarks.  I think those that read the blog hit an all time high. I am now finishing up another batik and this is a modified bargello.
The weather has been chilly here but sunny and it was a good day for a walk in the bush.  The snow was crispy enough that Heidi was able to stay on top of it and even my galumpers only went down an inch or so.
I am continuing to enjoy my course.  There is a lot of reading and I have to fight the tendency to just scan the page.  I was amused today while reading an article on how you can design web pages so people aren't as likely to scan.  I had to keep reminding myself not to scan while reading it!


  1. Glad your readership is up. Funny about the scanning!

  2. So glad about the response to your work! I look forward to this year as an IBA - can’t wait to see how this all deelops. Are you continuing on this year?
