Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Deer Down

I have a bird feeder just outside my studio window and it has had a constant stream of chickadee visitors this past week.  My husband saw a robin on Sunday and the snow is all but gone from the bush.  It happened so quickly.  There was a couple of feet piled on my front garden and it was gone in less than three days and there are shoots standing 2 to 3 inches high in its place. I even hung some of my laundry out on Saturday.

Yesterday, I went to quilt group although I came back early to let the dog out as my husband was boiling sap and hadn't been able to get to the house.  After I changed my clothes, I made him a cup to tea and while we were talking, a herd of deer ran toward the pond.  Right after the the last one leaped down the embankment, we heard a splash.  The small one had tried to go across the pond instead of using the bridge.  We could hear it splashing so I angled over to where I could see  its path through the ice.  Fortunately, despite the depth and temperature of the water, it did make it to the other side.  There wasn't much we could have done to save it so we were thankful that an attempt wasn't necessary.
I am starting to feel like quilting again so am going to be adding a couple of border strips to finish a top and then I have a couple of small projects to do.  I am gradually, a bit at a time, getting my energy back but still have to limit myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are starting to feel more like yourself! It is amazing how long it can take though isn't it. Glad your little deer made it across your pond OK! We still have a foot or more of snow over our entire 10 acres - except where my hubby went around with the snow blower - there we just have mud. Not a good thing with 2 light dogs!! I am envious that you got to hang your laundry on the line - will probably be another month before I can do that here - that is my favourite thing about spring/summer!!
