Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Speech to Text

 Sometimes the best solution is the easiest.  I have been looking at speech to text programs for a few weeks without much success.  I want to be able to read my book (that is currently typed onto paper)  into MS Word so I can edit and get ready for publication.  I don't need anything fancy and I didn't want to have to pay hundreds of dollars.  I tried numerous apps and nothing met my requirements.  Then I saw one that was strictly for Microsoft and was already installed on the computer.  I opened Word, clicked on the program? app? and away I went,  It printed exactly what I said.  Now I can get the book done before I loose all my faculties.

The weather has been cooler the past couple of days so I actually got some gardening done.  I bought a few half priced annuals at our garden centre and will get them into the ground.

I think I may have ruined someone's day on Saturday.  I had my credit card declined when I tried to make a purchase on line.  I knew I wasn't overdrawn, my bill had been paid and I had entered the correct information (I double checked at least four times.  Time to call customer service.  Great.  They have an hour wait time (why can't they take your number and call back?) I put the phone on loudspeaker and played computer games while keeping an ear open so I could hear the repeated messages.  Three quarters of an hours passed and they disconnected me.  I then tried their on line help but it wasn't any use.

The next day I decided to call the fraud/lost card number as I was reasonably sure that would get me a person, which it did. I got a very patient man who went over all the possible problems with me but none of them seemed to be the solution.  It was then I finally realized I was contacting the wrong company.  I thanked the man profusely, apologized equally profusely and then called the right people. I now, once again, can use my card.  The problem: my mailing address is a post box number and I have a separate street address-country living.

I finished the quilt that was on my frame and it has gone to its owner.  Not sure what I will start next.


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