Thursday, January 6, 2022

Winter Wonderland.

 Yesterday, I had to go to Huntsville (our closest largish community) for a bone density scan.  I thought the appointment would be cancelled because of the latest lockdown but it wasn't.  Hubby drove me down as I needed to buy groceries and if he isn't with me, I am likely to just grab a couple of things and head home-I hate shopping. After we got home and everything was put away I lay on the couch with a cup of tea-and woke up an hour or so later.  Amazing how tired I get now after hardly any activity.

Today, I am meeting with 3 of my closest quilting friends for a small gift exchange and visit. We usually do this before Christmas but, this year, time just flitted by.

I am still making my speedy 4 patch blocks.  I am not sure how many I have done but they are really addictive.  I think I will keep at them and put the finished ones in a container so they will be ready if I have a projects where they can be used.

It is a winter wonderland in the bush with the snow clinging to every surface.  Pretty as it is, it still has to be removed from the pathway.  Probably after I get home.



  1. I was going at four patch blocks willy nilly in the early autumn. A few days ago I started sewing them together in pairs, and laying them out to see what fits where. I plan to get two quilt tops completely ready for quilting before too long. PLAN being the operative word

    1. I would love to see a photo of them when they are done.

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