Friday, October 29, 2021

Apple Day

 Today is apple day. I bought a bushel of apples from an orchard recently and, as I was up earlier than usual (more about that in a minute, decided that today was good day to get them done.  I cored and sectioned nearly all of them, filled medium sized freezer bags , put aside 4 that had the cores removed and turned the rest into applesauce.  Hubby will be able to have lots of apple crisp this winter and we will have baked apples for supper.  Tomorrow, I am planning on making my jam and then another season of preserving etc.  will be finished-except for the pumpkins.

We had to get up early this morning because a service person was coming to fix our well.  I think I mentioned that we were getting a lot of air in our water lines which caused the water to spurt and hiss accompanied by a symphony of bangs.  The company said they would send someone around Friday afternoon and then called to change it to the morning.  I didn't care when as we weren't going anywhere.  When she mentioned they would be here by 8, I wasn't concerned about that either as hubby is usually up early.  I'm not.  I like to sleep until at least 8.30.  However, this morning I work up around 7.45 and got up.  You can certainly get a lot of stuff done in a day when your day starts in the middle of the night😁

There was a time when 7.30 was the middle of the day.  When I drove transit bus, I was out of bed before 4.30 and at work an hour later.  Oh how I hated anyone who phoned after 9 p.m..  One person in particular never seemed to understand that I had to get up early.  Didn't understand until I called her at 4.30 to chat about nothing.  Problem solved.

We have a nice sunny day again but cooler and grayer days are coming.


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