Tuesday, August 17, 2021


A couple of friends and I helped another friend with packing her belongings.  She and her husband are going to be moving from their large, lovely home at the beginning of next month.  As is always the case, the amount of stuff you have grows with the space you have available.  Consequently, they have a ton of belongings.  As she is a quilter, much of what we packed was fabric, fabric, fabric.  We made fairly good progress in the one area and she will have more help this week.  I am not sure where everything is going to be housed in the new place as they are downsizing quite a bit.  I can see some good garage sales in the future!

I thought I would be stiff and achy today but I must be in better condition than I thought as I haven't felt any effect from the unusual activity.  I added the last borders to my baby quilt and fixed a friends sewing machine today.  As it is Tuesday, I video messaged with my baby sister in the morning.  My internet was acting up but we did manage to stay in contact.

I have mentioned previously that I am fond of quotes.  Here is one I found recently.  As I have been talking about friends, I thought it appropriate.  "A friend is someone you can call at 4.00 a.m. and they are glad to hear from you."


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