Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Positive Side

 As we continue living under the restrictions and threat of Covid 19, I have been trying to think of the positive things that have happened.  It is easy to focus of the downside: the restrictions, people ill and dying, the massive debt being incurred by governments and individuals, mental health and the fear that many feel. 

However, in the midst of this dark and looming cloud, there have been blessings.  Many of us have had more time at home with our immediate family, people are developing new hobbies (cooking, woodworking),  pets are being adopted from shelters (please don't return them after the pandemic is over), money is being saved on car fuel and other items.

Personally, I find that hubby and I are closer than before.  It isn't that we were  at each others throats previously but as we are finding more time to sit and talk we remember what drew us together in the beginning.  Because I am not always out at meetings, I have more free time to sit outside or watch TV with him.  

I also notice how people are pulling together to help each other.  In our rural community, everyone has someone they know they can call to have groceries or prescriptions picked up, a ride to vaccination clinic and so on.  If they don't anyone, a post to our buy and sell Facebook page will result in volunteers. This good will isn't something new but it has grown.

I hope after this is all over we will remember what it is like to think as a community, to remember that we are part of a whole, and remember that pulling together makes any situation easier.


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