Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Moss in Bloom

Spring is Finally Here and I Can Sit Outside

April Island Batik Project
I  missed posting yesterday because I had a mishap at quilting on Monday.  I can't figure out how it happened but while doing something at the machine, I was amazed to find that the needle had gone through my index finger.  It took a few seconds to figure out what to do but then we raised the needle-and my finger, undid the screw to free the needle and clipped the thread which now hung from my finger.  My initial idea was just to pull it all out but one of the woman who used to be a paramedic said I needed to go to the clinic.  So, off we went.  I got amazing care and while that was happening the quilt ladies packed up my stuff as well as the woman who stayed with me and put it in  my car.  When that friend had to leave another arrived and drove me home after going over to my car to get my sewing machine.
I wasn't able to use the pc as typing was difficult.  I am still having to go over what I have written as I either add spaces or leave out letters.  I returned to the clinic today and had my finger checked.  No one can believe that I neither have had any pain (except when the needle came out), bleeding, bruising or infection.  The needle just missed the bone and that too was amazing.  So, if you are going to have a dreaded sewing machine accident, my version is the best.
The photos are self explanatory.  I included them in case you didn't want to read the details of my adventure.  I was surprised to find that the receptionist as the doctor's office couldn't look at my finger.  I guess, as a quilter, I don't find needles, no matter where they are, a big deal.

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