Friday, September 5, 2014

Who Moved the Finish Line?

I finished putting the flying geese border around my panel quilt.  It took a bit of fiddling to get everything to fit properly but it is on and looks good.  Now I need to decide what to do for the rest of the borders.
I have been spending most of the day writing.  Quite some time ago, I started writing a novel.  I still think the idea is good but, as it wasn't writing itself, if I wanted to get it done I needed to get at it.
I always find it odd that even when you really enjoy something there is a tendency to keep putting off working on it.  It doesn't seem to matter if it is quilting, writing, going for a walk or spending time with someone, I can come up with more delaying tactics than a child on his way to school.
I think I need to have a deadline as that usually spurs me on to action.  Unfortunately, a self imposed one (today I will finish that quilt top) doesn't work.  What is going to happen to me if I don't get it done?  Not a thing.
Maybe I  need a bribe.  Anyone willing to offer me a large sum of money if I get this book done by the end of the year?
No.  Oh well, I guess I had better get at it anyway.

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