Tuesday, September 10, 2013


We had quite the thunderstorm last night.  All the flashing and banging kept me awake for a couple of hours. The weather guy predicted hot and humid weather today and, so far, we have wet and cool which, given the two choices, I prefer.
I have the house to myself today as husband has gone to a euchre tournament.  I plan on getting lots of quilting done although I better get at it soon as the day is half done.
Sunday was a lovely sunny day so we took a walk through the bush and I took a photo of this rather odd fungi and of our picturesque Heidi.  It seems that every time we wander through there is a different flower or other growth.  I've noticed some very small red berries recently.  They are about 1/8th of an inch across but noticeable against the dead leaves if you stay alert.
I have finished unsewing the folds on the back of the quilt that is in the frame so I am really going to try and get some work done on it.  I really am! No more playing of computer games until I've done at least 3 rows.  Honest!


Strange Fungi


Cute Dog


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