Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Confession Time

I am just putting the borders on a top that was made from 5" squares.  It is, of course, a scrappy.  I wasn't very pleased with it at first but now that it is nearing completion, I am happier.
I discovered something about myself while making this one.  When it came time to add the borders, I went through my stash looking at first one fabric , then another until I found one that looked best.  It was a purple that I have had for some time.  The reason that I've not used it is because it is part of a group of fabrics from the same designer and I really like them.
I have always found it difficult using my favourite fabrics.  Here was my 'bonger' moment.  Why would I not want to honour my work by using what was best for it?  Why am I saving the fabric?
The purple border really does look nice.  And now I need to find fabric for the outer border. The search will probably be a lot easier now that I won't have reservations.
I wonder if this problem is reserved for fabric artists?  Somehow, I can't see a painter using a colour that wasn't quite right because he/she wanted to save a favourite one.  Would sculptor save a favourite piece of marble, stone, wood etc? 
If I/we really value our creations wouldn't we want to use our most prized products?  I also wonder if this is a gender trait or founded on an economic condition i.e. if a person is lower income they might not be able to replace those beloved fabrics once they are gone?
Lots more to think about.  Thoughts?

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