Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas in June.

I just submitted my latest article for the Quilt Pattern Magazine.  You would be justified in thinking that it was possibly about Christmas or the new year and, while I did touch on this season, that wasn't the main topic.  Magazine articles are written six months in advance of the publication date so, while it is December when I wrote, it will be June when it is read.
Newspaper articles also have to be written in advance but, depending on how often it publishes (daily, weekly etc.) the lead time isn't as great.  For example, I write a local column for the Burk's Falls paper and send it in Sunday evening so it can be read on Thursday.  There still has to be some thought as to the readers perspective but not as much as with other publication.
If a person is submitting an article to an editor in hopes that it will be accepted, they need to think even further in advance.  It takes a long time for something to be approved, terms agreed upon and then sent for editing and publication.   If I were submitting a pattern with a Valentine's theme to a magazine, I would probably do so at least eight months before February.
One would think that with all this thinking ahead that writer's would be the most organized people on earth but I don't think this is the case-or at least it isn't for me.  Writing an article in June about Christmas doesn't result in me starting to make gifts or my fruit cake.  Like many other people, my preperations are left until the last possible moment.
This year, I have had to get ready a bit earlier as we will be in England for Christmas.  I am almost done.  However, because of my trip, I will not be posting until almost the end of December.  I may write a few words from my sister's computer but I expect I will be quite busy.  I expect you will be also.
So, you will hear from me a couple more times this week and then you can concentrate on your own Christmas celebration.

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