Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Canada Day Company

 I hope everyone had a great Canada Day yesterday and a good weekend prior to it.  We were fortunate to have our nephew and two of his sons come for a couple of days and try out our (my sister's actually) new camper.  The older of the two boys cleaned the chicken coop which was badly in need.  His Dad helped hubby with a couple of things that needed doing and the youngest son petted our dog. I enjoyed getting to know the boys better.  They are a wonderful, considerate family. We loved having them and look forward to another visit.

Yesterday I had 3 dear friends come for a cup of tea and dessert.  I set everything up in the camper so they had a chance to see it.  We spent a couple of hours just chatting.  I am not a great one for company but these three women accept me as I am-foibles and so I don't get all stressed when we get together.

Today, all is back to normal.  I took Heidi for a walk over to our neighbours and visited a while and now I have some quilting to do. I am still not feeling completly better although not as nauseous as I was.  The headaches have also lessened.  An odd illness or whatever it was.

Stay well.  Blessings,

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