Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bearly Done

 I have been feeling ill for a week.  I thought at first it was connected to my Meniere's disease but as a friend in Alberta has the same symptoms, I accepted that it is a bug of some sort.  Just in case that you have also been unwell, here are the symptoms:  dizziness, nausea, headache.  I have also had a weird feeling in my upper chest that I thought was my blood pressure dropping too far.  A test showed that it was normal but it sure felt odd.

I have finished a baby quilt and am pleased with how it turned out.  I did a lot of infilling quilting as you can see in the second photo.  All those little circles take time but I like the way they look.  Now this quilt and my customer one is finished I am going to reload the one I removed so I could do the other projects.  I have never reloaded a quilt before so am going to have to take extra care that I get it straight.  

While working on that quilt, I have a rather large job I want to do.  I am going to take all my fabric from the shelves, lay them on the table (a few at a time) and take photos.  I will then be able to see what I have without rummaging though everything.  Of course, I will have to add and delete as time goes on but I think this will be a help.

Monday is Canada Day.  I am having a few quilting friends over for tea and cookies and to show off the camper we got for my sister.  She and her family will be able to use it when they visit from England and it will be available to our Canadian relatives as well.  We are really pleased with it and are having fun adding bedding etc.  Of course, I will have to leave something for my sister to do as it is her until but, in the meantime, we are playing house.

Happy July 4th on Thursday to my American readers.


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