Thursday, July 4, 2024


Today may be the only  one rain free for a few days so I got outside and did some weeding and trimming.  It isn't possible to see any improvement but I know I have done something.  We should get a good crop of veggies and wild berries this year so I will be canning, freezing and making jam come fall.  Often I get together with a couple of friends and we pool our efforts.  It is a fun way to fill the freezer and pantry shelves.

I need to move some of the spring flowers.  Does anyone know whether I can do this-carefully-before the stems die down?  If not, I will have to mark where they are so I can find them in the fall.

I wrote all this earlier and then the internet went down unexpectedly and everything disappeared.  Annoying.  It is now after lunch and I am working in the studio.  I thought everything was a real mess again but was pleased to note that previous organizing efforts have left its mark.  I am going through all my fabric and taking photos so I will remember what I have.  I am also being ruthless and getting rid of material I don't like.  I don't expect I will wake up one morning with an inspired use for fabric that feels like cardboard and is a wonderful pattern of  browny orange with pink snakes.!!

One other project I have on the back burner is to look into the particulars of ecommerce.  I need to talk to someone who is already doing this so I don't get led down a muddy slope.

Happy Independence Day to all our American friends.  We see your licence plates at the grocery store, main street and the pub.  Glad you are getting some sunshine.


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